Hunt for Evil

Hunt for Evil

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“Amy Jarecki steps out of her historical comfort zone and nails it! A smashing debut to a new series!” ~ Monique Daoust, Straight Shootin’ Book Reviews

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Body Shot

Body Shot

“Body Shot is one entertaining, sexy thrill ride that will keep readers’ adrenaline pumping until the very end!” – Jenerated Reviews

“…the perfect mix of a budding, passion filled romance and a thrilling, exciting, action filled story…” -AnnMarie Spiby

“Threaded throughout with danger, passion and bits of humor it [Body Shot] is blended perfectly.” -Anna Gibson

“Jarecki is one of those authors you know will entertain you, senses and emotions 100% engaged.” -Book Talk with Eileen

“BODY SHOT shoots out of the starting block at full speed and races right through the win!” – Monique D.

“If you like your romances with suspense, action and sexy, badass heroines and heroes, Body Shot is the story for you!” – Valeen R. Netgalley Reviewer

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